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HEALTH NEWS: preparing for your competitive examination

24 May 2024

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Race, competition, competition, we look forward to them with a mixture of excitement and stress. To perform on the big day and give yourself every chance, it is essential to prepare for it, horse and rider, physically and mentally. Tips, complementary foods, organization, here are our tips to calmly approach the upcoming deadlines:

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Regular training in the run-up to a competition

True athletes, the regularity of training for our horses is one of the keys to performance. With the help of your coach, establish a training program based on your goals and discipline. We recommend varying the exercises to keep a horse mentally fresh and receptive. The last session, the day before the deadline, puts him in the best possible mental condition.

Comply with regulations

To be able to compete, it is necessary to be in compliance with the regulations: vaccination, horse registered with the FFE, up-to-date license for the rider… In terms of feed, look carefully at the labels to find out the components of the feed and supplements ingested by your horse. Some may require delays in administration so that the body can eliminate prohibited substances before the deadline.

Mental preparation before the competition

Competitions can be stressful times for both rider and horse. As a rider, you will have to manage your stress in order to avoid repercussions on your performance and not to transmit these emotions to your horse. There are many factors that can cause anxiety in horses, and there are natural solutions to help them approach these events without compromising their potential.

Anticipating transport

Transport can be a stressful event for the horse, and also risky: remember to protect your horse’s limbs with gaiters or rest bands. You may also need a tail guard, a neck protector and even a blanket. Also prepare the hay net which will also be used on site, and water, the temperature in a van can rise quickly.

Preparation of the material accepted for the competition

The day before the event, make sure to prepare what you need for yourself and your horse on the day: horse notebook, grooming case, outfit, equipment, protection, blanket, treat, complementary food, etc. Some things can be duplicated, and you’ll be prepared for the unexpected. We advise you to refer to the regulations in force to find out what equipment is accepted for your discipline.

The day before, the day and the day after

The day before the competition, grooming is a special moment between your horse and yourself: beauty dressing, pawning the mane and above all checking for any injuries. On the day, make sure to warm up your horse according to his physical condition, and enjoy this beautiful day as much as possible! The next day, if possible, clean up to eliminate the residues and acids produced by the body during exercise.

Our essentials at Naturacheval

To prepare the event as well as possible, we have designed the “CONCOURS” PACK bringing together our essentials for your horse:

Pack concours NATURACHEVAL
  • 15 days before the deadline: RENFOR’ MUSCLES
    This liquid complementary feed allows you to accompany your athletic horse during its competition season by preserving and strengthening its muscle mass. It also prevents muscle disorders related to intense physical effort, so you will limit the risk of stiffness, contractures and muscle disorders.
  • 15 days before the deadline: ANTI’ STRESS
    Also in liquid form, it allows you to mentally prepare your horse for transport, for the crowd. It helps to soothe your horse by protecting him from the stress of organizing competitions. It also contributes to the horse’s good emotional balance, preserves its sporting capital and limits underperformance due to stress.
  • 15 days after the deadline: ACTIV’ RECUP
    After intense physical exertion, your horse’s body can take time to recover. Optimize and speed up this recovery phase with our liquid complementary feed. The ACTIV’ RECUP compensates for the natural loss of mineral salts due to physical exertion, and provides the trace elements, minerals and vitamins necessary for the body’s recovery. Administered after the competition, it will limit the risk of muscle soreness related to the storage of lactic acid in the horse’s body.

In addition to these complementary foods to be added to the feed ration, NATURACHEVAL offers you its MARINE CLAY with absorbent and adsorbent properties. Applied in the form of a poultice to the limbs and neckline, you can let the clay dry for several hours so that it absorbs all the residues and substances clogging the tissues.

ARGILE MARINE Naturacheval

And above all, have fun during the competition, this moment rich in emotions and complicity with your horse.

Take care of your horse, and take care of yourself!

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