illustration cheval

INSTANT CULTURE: the benefits of balneotherapy

9 March 2022

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The therapeutic use of water dates back to ancient times to treat injuries and illnesses. The benefits of water, hot or cold, are still used for therapeutic or relaxing purposes. And today, balneotherapy is transposed to horses.

For horses, balneotherapy consists of several methods adapted to each situation:
– the swimming pool: the horse walks and swims in a water corridor
– the walker: the horse walks in circles, usually against the current
– the spa: the horse is in the water passively.

The temperature of the water is also important:
– Cold water stimulates the immune system, reduces nerve conduction and controls inflammation
– Warm water relaxes sore muscles, lowers blood pressure and neutralizes bacteria.

Balneotherapy is interesting for many situations: recovery of an athletic horse, resumption of training, convalescence (tendonitis, arthritis, synovitis, bone trauma, joint pain, hoof injury, infection, etc.).

Here is a non-exhaustive list of the benefits of balneotherapy on horses:
– Stimulates blood circulation
– Increases blood flow to the muscles
– Reduces the risk of contractures and aches
– increases heart rate
– Increases lung ventilation
– works the joints painlessly
– relieves the body and muscles
– Builds endurance
– corrects muscle asymmetries

As you can see, balneotherapy can improve a horse’s physical condition with a minimal risk of injury.

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