illustration cheval

FOCUS: joint pain

8 February 2022

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Without any real scientific evidence, it is an established fact: cold and humidity can be restrictive for the organisms and more specifically, the joints. In humans, as in horses.

It is therefore strongly recommended to prevent these temperature drops for horses prone to pain, and to act to limit them. Supplementing a horse’s diet is often very useful and necessary in order to provide it with the nutrients in an optimal way to support its joints.

A little anatomy: the joints join two or more bones, these are covered with cartilage and are connected by ligaments. Between these two bones is the cavity filled with synovia. With each movement, the bones slide, one on top of the other. These joints are therefore solicited on a daily basis. And in some horses, joint pain can occur, fragility, tenderness, osteoarthritis, etc.

Our food supplement ARTHRI’ CALME is composed exclusively of plants with naturally anti-inflammatory, remineralizing, analgesic, draining and diuretic properties; including Harpagophytum, a powerful anti-inflammatory renowned in horse care!

ARTHRI’ CALME has been specially designed to help you prevent joint disorders, stimulate bone metabolism, improve equine flexibility and increase joint lubrication.

More information can be found on the product page:

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