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NEW: 100% Tabashir Bamboo

21 January 2022

You have asked us so much, our BAMBOO is now available on our online store! Many of us know the benefits of this plant on our horse’s body, you will find in this article all the information revealing what nature has good for our equine friends.


We often talk about the health and well-being of our horses in terms of digestion, breathing, skin care, muscle recovery. Bone metabolism is just as important for good locomotion, and therefore contributes to its performance. In order to have healthy animals, breeders, trainers and owners cannot dissociate the good quality of their protégés’ bones from the maintenance of other elements involved in mobility: ligaments, muscles, cartilage, tendons.

The skeleton of the horse, called “the framework” gives it its shape and structure, and thus protects the vital organs. With its 205 bones, it represents 8% of the animal’s weight, its muscles represent half! The bones are linked to each other by ligaments, the tendons allow the movement information of the bone to be transmitted to the muscles. All of this ensures the mobility of the body and its locomotion.

In horses, bones are classified into three categories:

  • long bones: fibula, humerus, etc.
  • short bones: vertebrae, tarsus, carpus, etc.
  • flat bones: pelvis, shoulder blade, etc.

The horse’s skeleton grows until about 5 years old, and during this growth phase, vigilance is required to allow a good evolution and development of the bones. It is therefore always very interesting and advisable to accompany the foal throughout its first years by supplementing it in order to strengthen its skeleton, avoid fractures and allow a good general development. Our YOUNG HORSES PACK includes our essential products, including our BAMBOO, to best support a foal.


The impacts of poor bone structure or a bone problem are directly visible on the well-being and health of the horse. Of course, there are genetic weaknesses that need to be treated in a targeted and adapted way, we will mention here a non-exhaustive list of bone pathologies encountered.

Osteoporosis : decalcification of bone tissue that deteriorates the quality of the bone, weakens it and increases the risk of fracture.

Osteomyelitis : infection of the bone leading to its destruction

Bone cyst : a condition often located in a joint of a limb, which can prevent the bone from growing properly.

Suros : a condition due to a traumatic or non-traumatic inflammatory reaction, resulting in bone proliferation that is often hard to the touch.

Fracture : rupture of bone tissue caused by trauma to the bone or an adjustment problem.


Naturally and highly rich in silicon, our BAMBOO is a “miracle” product, it’s up to you!

Native to South Asia, bamboo is a sacred reed in Chinese culture. Due to its strong and rapid growth, up to 1 meter per day, this plant is a sign of longevity and youth. The bamboo stem has a very rich content of mineral matter, especially the sap of its exudate, which contains silica.

Do you know the role of silica in the body? Fundamental! It is one of the most important compounds in connective tissue, essential for the binding of calcium to bones and the regeneration of collagen present in ligaments, tendons and cartilage.

In what situations should we use our BAMBOO? There are many of them:

  • Helping to rebuild a fractured bone
  • Promote cartilage regeneration
  • Prevent joint disorders
  • Supporting the joints in the athletic horse
  • Promote calcium attachment to bones
  • Fighting against bone fragility in older horses
  • Support the body prone to stiffness
  • Supporting growth in young horses

And that’s not all… our BAMBOO also supports the cornea, intestinal mucous membranes and skin tissues! As you can see, our BAMBOO is naturally a mine of virtues.

For more information, we invite you to browse the product sheet of the 100% TABASHIR BAMBOO on our website.

Bamboo is also used in the composition of our ARTHRI’ CALME. This liquid complementary feed accompanies horses prone to osteoarthritis, and supports the horse’s musculoskeletal system as a whole: tendons, joints, ligaments and bones. In addition to strengthening the strength of the bones, this complementary feed lubricates the joints and therefore improves the horse’s flexibility.

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