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Our Articles

Label EquuRES Naturacheval 3

Label EquuRES

We are proud to announce that Natura Cheval has become a partner of the EquuRES Label. Concerned about the environment and the well-being of horses, it was obvious to participate in this awareness. The EquuRES label is the only quality approach in favor of the environment and animal welfare specifically developed for equine structures, regardless […]

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FOCUS: 10 key points to face winter

Winter is coming, with its cold and morning frosts, here are 10 points to remember to calmly apprehend this period: -> Provide a clean, warm and ventilated shelter-> Adapt the ration-> Integrate hay-> Cover the horse with a suitable blanket-> Deworming the horse-> Check the waterer regularly (no frost)-> Warm up the horse well before […]

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FOCUS: Mud Scab in Wet Weather

Autumn has set in and so has the humidity, which brings its share of problems. Among them is dermatophilosis, commonly known as “mud scab”. WHAT IS IT?The “Dermatophilus congolensis” is a bacterium that grows particularly in humid and muddy environments, we frequently encounter it in autumn/winter. It is lodged in the epidermis and hair follicles, […]

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NOW IS THE TIME: Boost your horse’s immune system in autumn

Autumn has taken the place of summer, bringing with it coolness, wind and humidity. During each transition period, our animals are subject to health and infectious risks. You can help him face autumn and prepare for winter with peace of mind. Our 100% natural ACTIVE IMMUNE has been specially designed to stimulate the horse’s immune […]

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APPLICATION: Warming balm to prepare and recover after exercise

Like any athlete, the horse’s body requires a rigorous warm-up before any effort, followed by a supervised recovery. Before dealing with equine nutrition and the care to be applied before and after exercise, it is necessary to understand the functioning of a horse’s body and muscles during physical effort. As in humans, horse muscles are […]

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FOCUS: Acorn Consumption

Do you know the dangers of eating acorns in large quantities? Fruit of the oak, this tree is very present in our forests. The raw acorn has toxic qualities, so vigilance is required during this very dry late summer period. WHERE DOES THIS TOXICITY COME FROM?Acorns contain hydrolyzable tannins that show astringent effects on the […]

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GROWING MOMENT: Drainage in autumn

For several years, drainage has been recommended for horses, is it a real need or a fad? The body is a machine that accumulates substances and waste products all day long, which it must eliminate via its digestive, intestinal, lymphatic and skin systems. The body’s balance, homeostasis, can thus be maintained. WHY CARRY OUT DRAINAGE?In […]

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FOCUS: Attention to joints on hard ground

We are coming out of a particularly hot and dry summer, the ground is extremely hard under the horse’s hoof. The condition of the ground has a considerable influence on the movement and locomotion of the horse. With each impact with the ground, a strong force starts from the foot and goes up the entire […]

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FOCUS: Maintaining the respiratory tract in summer

It is not only in the winter season that respiratory difficulties and ailments can be observed in our horses! The very high temperatures and the lack of precipitation during the summer season generate a high amount of dust in the air and increased pollution on the outskirts of major cities among others. In addition to […]

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